
Impossibilities before Breakfast

Yesterday the Fringe Festival officially began. For me, anyways. The first of my tickets have been stubbed and stored, and I'm left with three plays on which to reflect honestly.

The first we saw was The Golden Dragon. I liked it more than most, but still thought it was lacking in the character development department. It made me want to eat Asian food really bad -- lucky there was a delicious restaurant, Thai Orchid, down the street. I give the restaurant 5 stars and the play 2.5.

Next on our list was School of Night, a Shakespeare improv group. I like doing improv almost always. I like watching improv for all of 15 minutes, then I get distracted. Needless to say, this wasn't my favorite, but the actors all did a great job, and are certainly worthy of praise for their language skill. 3 stars.

We finished up the evening (some of us) with Outland. This show was ASTOUNDING. Beautiful scenery, winsome acting, a brilliant story... I wish I could have the script, because I'd love to savor some of the imagery/poetry. An easy 5 stars.

In other news, today we visited the National Museum of Scotland. I have a real love-hate relationship with museums, because I do love history and I guess I dig science, too, but I have the lowest tolerance for ambling about. If I want to learn about something, I'll happily pick up a book on it -- something I can enjoy on a sofa with a cup of tea. The best museum buddy for me is someone who's happy to plow through the exhibits just looking, only pausing to read the really interesting stuff. (In other words, the best museum buddy for me is myself...) I did manage to stay entertained snapping some cool pictures.

Here's the museum from the inside:

BTWs -- I'm getting particularly envious of British females' wardrobe choices. I've truly found my fashion people. A new inspirsession is likely on its way.

Just look at those dresses!

Some sort of shiny space rock I forgot to read about.

I was especially fond of this shot I snapped of Veronica through the see-through globe bearing all the constellations on it. You wouldn't believe it -- of all the astrological signs to be missing, Aquarius had been rubbed off. Too many hippies making pilgrimages or something...

An ALBATROSS! These things really are huge!

Man-eating caribou? Some of the animals really creeped me out.

Greek mask.
Another. Fits right in with our Aristotle studies!
Javanese masks -- studied these last Winter.

 "We aaaaaall wear masks -- metaphorically speaking..." (Name the movie? Anyone?)

I'm, of course, still having a grand old time in food-land. These are from Wednesday's adventure. We had "cream tea" at Eteaket (cutest name, right?) just down the road. I took it very seriously, and probably annoyed everyone in the flat running around asking "Tea?" "Tea yet?" "Teatime?" "TEA?!" It was worth the wait.

No one can blame me. When I was 12 I thought I could grow up and become the queen of England.

There's still time.



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