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In living with a capsule wardrobe these past six months, I've discovered a strange paradox: creating unique outfits has only become easier. You would think that having less items would make wardrobe variety difficult, but in reality the decision process has become simpler with less choice.*
Last winter, before my wardrobe was streamlined, I probably would've scrolled right past this inspiration photo. It wouldn't have struck me as something I was capable of creating. But now that I'm in-tune to the color palette, silhouettes, and the individual pieces in my closet, an outfit like this doesn't seem nearly as challenging.
Silhouette: The photo shows a dress layered under a turtleneck, but I know the same bulky-on-top, form-fitting-on-bottom look can be achieved with my oversized cable knit sweater and pencil skirt.
Color: Choosing the items above changed the main palette -- eggplant and beige instead of black and olive. Another option would have been maintaining the color scheme with my black v-neck sweater and olive down vest, but in this case I was more interested in silhouette than color. Since my color palette was still on the cool side, I stuck with silver jewelry, rather than gold or bronze.
Individual Pieces: The items that struck me in this photo were the knee boots and long pendant necklace. "I have those things!" I thought excitedly. If you find yourself recognizing minor details like these, start small and work outward. Ask yourself what items might work with these accessories. Pinpoint why they were used in the original outfit. In this case, the long necklace lengthens out a bulky torso, while the knee boots provide balance to the lower half of the body. (Not to mention warmth!)
When in doubt, approach inspiration via one of these categories. Chances are, you'll find an outfit you never would have thought of otherwise!
*If you're interested in learning more about this strange reality, check out Barry Schwartz's The Paradox of Choice.
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